[session_started] => 1737113245
Effects of pre-sowing soaking, chilling and heating treatments on germination of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) seeds
M. A. Aazami, N. Mahna
Abstract: Growth period of tomato is dependent on cultivar, germination percentage, seedling establishment and temperature during growth. Drought, high and low temperatures have direct impact on plant. Soaking and temperature pre-treatments have a physiological and biochemical effect on seeds and improve their germination. In the present experiment, all the treatments (soaking, chilling and heating) increased the percentage and rate of germination. In both cultivars, seed soaking along with chilling led to increased germination percentage. The highest radicle and plumule length were obtained in the treatment combination of soaking and heating as well as that of soaking, heating and chilling. The highest plantlet dry weight obtained from soaking and heating treatment. In conclusion, soaking treatments along with thermal factor led to the improvement of germination-related traits and increased plantlet production.
Keywords: chilling; germination; heating; soaking; tomato
Date published: 2017-07-25
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