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Correlation and Path coefficient analysis of yield components in barley
Milka Dimitrova-Doneva
Abstract: The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between yield and its component characters and their direct and indirect effects on grain yield in two rowed winter barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). The study was conducted at the Institute of Agriculture, Karnobat, during the period 2012-2014 and includes 22 breeding materials grown on the block method in four repetitions. The grain yield was established and biometric measurements of 25 plants were made for: number of fertile tillers per plant, plant height, length of spike, sterile spikelet number per spike, grain number per spike, grain weight per spike, 1000 grains weight. After applying the correlation and Path-coefficient analysis, it was found that there are positive correlations between grain yield with the 1000 grains weight and grain weight per spike. The 1000 grains weight had the strongest direct effect on grain yield. Number of fertile tillers per plant and length of spike via 1000 grains weight have highest positive indirect effect on grain yield. These relations must be taken into account in determining the selection criteria.
Keywords: barley; correlation; Path-coefficient analysis; yield
Date published: 2017-05-09
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