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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Assessment of perspective lines Burley tobacco varieties group
Yovko Dyulgerski
Abstract: An assessment is made of the economical and chemical indicators of 10 samples of Burley tobacco; nine of which are promising lines and one is the standard Pliska 2002 variety. As a result of the study, it has been found that the most favourable biometric indicators were presented by Line 1458. Line 1447 is characterized by the shortest vegetative period, followed by Line 1458, and the longest one has shown the standard Pliska 2002 variety. The highest yield is presented by Line 1458 and the highest percentage of first class is obtained from Line 1458 and Line 1447. The best balanced in terms of the requirements for tobacco chemical composition from Burley variety group are Line 1458, Line 1447 and Line 1462. The complex assessment of biological, economic and chemical indicators shows that all newly selected lines surpass the standard Pliska 2002 variety. The best economical parameters and chemical composition were presented by Line 1458.
Keywords: biological indicators; Burley tobacco; chemical parameters; economical indicators; nеw lines
Date published: 2019-04-11
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