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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Study of photosynthetic intensity, leaf flag morphometry and yield of perspective common winter wheat breeding lines
Blagoy Andonov, Radoslav Chipilski, Svilena Tosheva
Abstract: Field experiment was conducted with 12 varieties and lines common winter wheat in IPGR, Sadovo during 2021-2023 years. The gas exchange, relative chlorophyll content, morphometry of the flag leaves and grain yield were measured. The main objective of this study was to estimate breeding lines on response of photosynthetic activity, leaf morphometry and yield. The more intensive photosynthetic activity, presented by the parameters photosynthetic assimilation rate (A), intercellular (sub-stomatal) CO2 concentration (ci), stomatal conductance (gs) and instaneous water use efficiency (A/E) during grain filling stage was reported for the breeding lines BА 805, BА 535, BА 782, BА 918 and BА 578 compared to the standards Sadovo 1, Enola and Avenue. The highest values of the morphometric parameters fresh mass, dry mass and relative chlorophyll content of flag leaves, were expressed at the breeding lines BА 578, BА 535, BА 952, BА 778, BА 782 и BА 805. The highest average yield was estimated for the breeding lines BА 578, BА 782, BА 535 and BA 777. It was determinated the more intense physiological activity correlate with better yield in the breeding lines BА 578, BА 782, BА 535.
Keywords: breeding lines; common winter wheat; grain yield; leaf gas exchange; relative chlorophyll content
Citation: Andonov, B., Chipilski, R., & Tosheva, S. (2024). Study of photosynthetic intensity, leaf flag morphometry and yield of perspective common winter wheat breeding lines. Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science, 61(6) 31-38 (Bg).
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Date published: 2024-12-19
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