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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Evaluation of genetic purity of parental lines and hybrids of sunflower
Igor Aksyonovorcid
Abstract: A high level of genetic purity, preservation and maintenance of genetic uniformity of parental lines and hybrids are necessary conditions in heterotic breeding of a sunflower. The main method for determining the genetic purity of sunflower genotypes is the method of field soil control with the assessment of plants based on morphological traits. The purpose of the experiment was to study the possibility of effectively using the method of electrophoresis of storage proteins of seeds in determining the typicalness of parental lines and the hybridity of sunflower hybrids. 13 samples of maternal sterile lines, 26 samples of hybrids were analyzed using the methods of soil control and the method of analyzing the spectra of seed storage proteins. Research results have proven the highly effective method of electrophoresis of storage proteins in determining the genetic purity of seed of lines and hybrids. The concurrence between the results of the two methods in determining genetic purity was 84.4% for maternal sterile lines, 69.2% for hybrids. The method of analysis allelic variants of helianthinin increased the reliability of the results obtained in determining the level of genetic purity of lines and hybrids by 7.7%. The presence of atypical plants in sunflower crops on the trait of “high” and “low” leads to unreliable, increased indicators of the level of genetic purity by 23.1% with the method of analysis of the spectra of storage proteins of sunflower seeds. The electrophoresis method, based on the analysis of the spectra of storage proteins, can be used as a rapid method in determining the genetic purity of sunflower genotypes.
Keywords: genetic purity; hybrid; line; morphological trait; protein spectrum; sunflower
Citation: Aksyonov, I. (2024). Evaluation of genetic purity of parental lines and hybrids of sunflower. Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science, 61(5) 44-53.
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Date published: 2024-10-29
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