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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Biological and economical indicators of new hybrids in first generation Burley tobacco
Yovko Dyulgerski, Radka Bozhinova, Nikolay Nikolov, Violeta Nikolova
Abstract: An assessment is made the biological and economical chemical indicators of 11 samples Burley tobacco, which 10 new promising hydrides in first generation and standard Pliska 2002 variety. As a result, the study found that the most favorable biometric indicators is presented Hybrid 1595A. With the short vegetative period is characterized Hybrid 1594, and the longest such – standard Pliska 2002 variety. All new selection lines excel at length of the vegetative period standard Pliska 2002 variety. The highest yield is represented by Hybrid 1595A, followed by Hybrid 1593. The highest percentage of first grade is derived from Hybrid 1593А, which gives the lowest percentage of third grade. With favorable ratio of grades is formed and Hybrid 1593. All new lines superior the standard variety Pliska 2002, to as yield, so and percentage of first grade. The studied hybrids, according to their biometric indicators, are grouped into two clusters, and two main components influence the clustering of the hybrids and explain 77.17% of the total variation. Depending on their economic indicators, the hybrids are arranged in two clusters, and in them, too, two main components are the cause of 89.27% of the total variation. Complex assessment of biological and economic indicators shows that with the best parameters differs Hybrid 1593, and work with it should continue with production testing. All new lines superior the standard variety Pliska 2002, to as yield, so and percentage of first grade, which is an indicator of the success of the selection work.
Keywords: biological and economic indicators; Burley tobacco; cluster analysis, principal component analysis; nеw hybridesl
Citation: Dyulgerski, Y., Bozhinova, R., Nikolov, N., & Nikolova,V. (2024). Biological and economical indicators of new hybrids in first generation Burley tobacco. Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science, 61(4), 42-50 (Bg).
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Date published: 2024-08-29
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