Monitoring of main characteristics to maintain the typicality of the Krumovgrad 58 variety
V. Spasova-Apostolova

, Hristo Bozukov

, Maria Kasheva

Abstract: The maintenance of varietal typicity is essential for the productions and provide source material for breeding targets. Krumovgrad 58 is the most wanted tobacco varieties on the tobacco market from commercial companies in Bulgaria. Cultivation of the variety in untypical areas and significant climatic changes affect its phenotypic characteristics. Тhis necessitates a more detailed and in-depth assessment of the main biometric and quality characteristics of the tobacco. In the present study in experimental field (EF)-Kozarsko were monitoring yield, biometric and quality indicators of 71 generations (from a total of 100) of the selected plants under the EF-Markovo conditions and compared with control plants growing from base seeds of the variety. In order to maintain the genetic structure and narrow the amplitude of possible deviations of the Krumovgrad 58 was made a selection according to typical of the variety parameters. As a result, it was found that the average values of the investigated characteristics of the generations and the average values of the controls were very close, suggesting that the differences were the result of the environmental conditions and not of significant variations in the variety.
Keywords: biometric indicators; Krumovgrad 58; oriental tobacco; quality indicators; yield
Citation: Spasova-Apostolova, V., Bozukov, H., & Kasheva, M. (2024). Monitoring of main characteristics to maintain the typicality of the Krumovgrad 58 variety. Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science, 61(4), 35-41 (Bg).
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| Date published: 2024-08-29
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