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Genotypic differences in fresh and dry weight of the first leaf, coleoptile and roots of seeds of winter barley varieties
Veselina Dobreva, Darina Valcheva
Abstract: The study was conducted at the Institute of Agriculture - Karnobat, Bulgaria. The aim of the study is to establish genotypic differences in fresh and dry weight of the first leaf, coleoptile and roots of seeds of winter barley varieties. The experiments were performed in field and laboratory experiments. In a field multifactorial experiment with 4 variants of fertilization (N0: N8: N12: N16) and three sowing rates (250, 350 and 450 germinating seeds) the varieties of barley Kuber, Saira, Zemela and Bojin were grown. The seeds obtained from the different variants were studied in laboratory experiments by the method of rolls. The fresh and dry weight of the first leaf, coleoptile and roots were reported. The seeds obtained from the sowing variants with 350 hp, N12 and 250 hp, N8 form the highest fresh weight on the first leaf and coleoptile. The lowest values are the fresh weight of the first leaf and the coleoptile of the seeds in the 350 hp version. and without fertilization. The varieties Kuber and Saira have proven higher values of fresh and dry weight on the first leaf, coleoptile and roots. It was found that genotype and year have been shown to influence the variation of the studied traits.
Keywords: coleoptile and roots; fresh and dry weight on the first leaf; genotypic differences; seeds; winter barley
Date published: 2022-10-27
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