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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Extraction, distribution and efficiency of nitrogen use in newly created genotypes of common winter wheat (Triticum aestivum)
Elisaveta Vasileva, Zlatina Uhr, Blagoy Andonov
Abstract: In a field experiment, sown according to the method of fractional plots after fallow, on a fertilizer background of 20kg/da P2O5, for three consecutive growing years (2018/2019 – 2020/2021), the impact of nitrogen fertilizer rates 0, 6, 12 and 18 kg/da at a seeding density of 500 and 550 g.s./m2 on the genotypes Sadovo 1, Anapurna, Avenu, Iaizla, BA535, BA769, BA850, RU33/3244 and МH260/1175. The aim of the research is to characterize newly created genotypes of common winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) in terms of nitrogen extraction, distribution and utilization efficiency. The cumulative effect of the factors genotype, agrometeorological conditions and nitrogen fertilization is statistically significant with well above the typical effect size (р≤α; ɳ≥0.45) on grain protein content, total nitrogen export with biomass, nitrogen consumption for formation of a unit of production, the nitrogen harvest index, the grain nitrogen supply index, the efficiency of nitrogen use from fertilizers and the return efficiency of nitrogen fertilization. Genotypes were differentiated by grain protein content, post-flowering accumulation, nitrogen export, nitrogen consumption per 100 kg of grain, grain collateral and nitrogen reutilization. Lines BA769, BA850 and RU33/3244 have the highest protein content in the grain, the most active post-flowering nitrogen accumulation, the largest nitrogen export with the biomass, the highest nitrogen consumption per unit of production and the highest efficiency of nitrogen recycling after flowering. At RU33/3244, the strongest postflowering accumulation and the strongest reutilization of nitrogen were recorded simultaneously. These three lines have the greatest potential for use in view of the requirements of modern agriculture.
Keywords: breeding lines; nitrogen use efficiency; wheat (Triticum aestivum)
Date published: 2022-10-27
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