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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Survey the virus status in quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill) cultivars
Yonko Yonchev, Kosta Hristov
Резюме: The study was carried out in 2021-2024 on 15 varieties of quince, grown in experimental orchards at Fruit Growing Institute – Plovdiv. The distribution of the viruses: ACLSV, АСGV, ASPV was studied - which allows to determine the current viral status of some quince cultivars. To identify the studied viruses, the serological ELISA method and the biological method were used. The results of the virological study showed, that ASPV was proven in a single virus infection in 26.7% of quince trees (two trees of Asenitca, Bread quince and Kardjali cultivars and in one sample each of Agvambary, Portugal, Triumf, Trimoncium, Ildiz Bash, Brig Big, Bolgradska and Pazardzishka Jabalkovidna cultivars). In one tree of the Bread quince cultivar ASPV and ASGV were proven in a mixed infection (1.8%).
Ключови думи: ACLSV; ASPV; Cydonia oblonga; quince; virus status; АSGV
Цитиране: Yonchev, Y., & Hristov, K. (2024). Survey the virus status in quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill) cultivars. Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science, 61(6) 84-89 (Bg).
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Дата на публикуване: 2024-12-19
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