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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Chemical composition of oriental tobacco of the Basmi variety group upon organic production
Maria Kasheva, Hristo Bozukov, Margarita Docheva, Yovcho Kochev, Desislava Kirkova
Резюме: Organic tobacco is a new industrial plant product that is grown in special certified organic fields without the use of conventional plant protection products. Globally, it is believed that there is already a niche market for biological tobacco, which is gaining an increasing percentage of the market. Extended chemical characteristics are needed to more complete characterization biological tobacco. The aim of this study is to carry out an extended chemical characteristic on the basis of the chemical components of oriental tobacco variety Krumovgrad 58, grown upon organic production and to compare it with conventional production of the same variety. It is found that biological tobacco has lower nicotine content compare to conventional tobacco, which is in accordance with the WHO requirement for the production of low-nicotine tobacco. The content of ash and heavy metals is lower than that of conventionally produced tobacco, which is a sign of good quality and environmental friendliness of tobacco.
Ключови думи: chemical components; organic production; oriental tobacco
Дата на публикуване: 2021-08-20
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