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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Comparative analysis of the methodological approaches to determination of the land capability evaluation for the effective land use and their productivity
Vihra Stoynova, Diyana Nekova
Резюме: Based on the available soil, climatic and topographic information, and the existing methodological approaches, the assessments for the suitability of the lands for efficient economic use and the productivity of the lands with their fertility on the territory of Dobrich district have been made. The parameters of the two approaches were evaluated and a comparative analysis of the obtained results was made. When determining the Land Capability classes, the diagnostic indicators are: susceptibility of soils to erosion, power of the soil profile and slope of the slope. The assessment of land productivity with soil fertility is based on the specific requirements of 22 crops to the basic parameters of soil and climate. Modeling in crop production and GIS methods could play an important role in classification on land use suitability by providing data that enables manufacturers and managing authorities to make decisions on the proper use of land.
Ключови думи: agronomic suitability; bonity assessments; classifications; land capability classes; land productivity
Дата на публикуване: 2021-02-25
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