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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Evaluation of new perspective lines oriental tobacco ecotype Dupnitsa
Svetlana Malinova
Резюме: The study was conducted in the period 2019 - 2020 in the field of the Experimental Station for Tobacco - Rila, at the Institute of Tobacco and Tobacco Products - Markovo. Two new lines of oriental tobacco and three varieties of high quality tobacco ecotype Dupnitsa - Rila 82, Dupnitsa 160 and Rila 544 (standard) are included. Lines 505 and 506 were created as a result of inter-varietal hybridization between varieties of Dupnitsa ecotype and introduced variety of Prilep ecotype (Republic of Northern Macedonia). Biometric measurements were performed on the following indicators: plant height (cm), number of leaves, length and width of 14- leaf. Yeald (kg / da) and quality of dry tobacco were reported. А chemical analysis was performed for the most important chemical indicators - nicotine, sugars (soluble carbohydrates), total nitrogen. Mathematical evaluation of morphological and economic features was performed by analysis of variance.The data show that the lines 505 and 506 have a higher yield compared to the control and significantly exceed it in quality. A valuable source material for the selection of oriental tobacco ecotype Dupnitsa has been created.
Ключови думи: economic indicators; new tobacco lines; oriental tobacco; quantitative features
Дата на публикуване: 2021-02-25
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