[session_started] => 1734496263
Influence of the year over morphological markers of two row barley cultivar Potok under contrast meteorological conditions
Bogdan Bonchev
Резюме: The aim of this study is to establish the influence of contrast meteorological conditions over defined morphological markers of cultivars barley. Homogeneity Leven ҆ s test, dispersion analysis, variation analysis and least significant difference (LSD) test was used for observation of signs. The study was conducted on the trial field of IPGR – Sadovo, Bulgaria. The investigation covers the period from October 2016 to July 2018. The years weredifferent in the nature of their precipitation. The highest precipitation maximum is in June 2018. In the same time in June 2017, a the strongest drought was observed. Subject of the investigation is two row winter barley-Potok. The number of productive tillers / m² of barley cultivar Potok is slightly variable and homogeneous. The sign number of productive tillers / m² in barley cultivar Potok during the studied years did not show proven differences. The density of the spike is confirmed as a morphological marker with slight variation and the presence of homogeneity of the sign, but there is also an influence of the year due to the proven differences by years. The height of the plants and the length of the spike of the cultivar Potok do not have sufficient homogeneity, which can be explained by the large meteorological differences over the years of invesitgation. The proven differences in the number of kernels of the spike the height of the plants, the length of the spike and the weight per 1000 kernels indicate the presence of the influence of meteorological conditions. The number of kernals per spike and the weight per 1000 kernels are homogeneous and within a slight variation of up to 10%. The weight of 1000 kernels has a greater variation than the number of kernals in the spike. The weight of kernals of a spike is more significantly influenced by the conditions of the year due to the low homogeneity and the proven differences over the years. The wight of the kernels of a spike has a slight variation, but of the other morphological signs it has the greatest variation.
Ключови думи: barley; contrast meteorological conditions; cultivar; morphological markers
Дата на публикуване: 2021-02-25
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