[session_started] => 1739413111
Comperative ampelographic description of clones of Misket vrachanski variety
Iliyan Simeonov
Резюме: A comparatively ampelographic description of selected clones and the Misket Vrachanski vine variety was performed using the OIV methodology. From the research it was found that the studied clones and the population of the variety, in the botanical description of shoot, leaf, cluster, berry and seed, are typical representatives of the Eastern ecological-geographic group (Convarietas orientalis Negr.). Taking into account the different features characterizing the shoot tip, the young shoot, the growth force of the vines, the tendrils, the inflorescences, the mature leaf, the cluster, the berry and their mechanical properties and technological qualities, there are some significant differences in the characteristics of the separate sign. In almost all groups of indicators, there are different ampelographic features, properties or qualities in which the selected clones differ between themselves and the Misket vrachanski variety. Microsatellite analysis using the standard 9 microsatellite markers did not reveal polymorphism in the clones and Misket vrachanski variety at the DNA level. To detect differences in their genetic profiles, it is necessary to analyze a larger number of microsatellite loci used in similar studies.
Ключови думи: ampelographic characteristic; clon; DNA analysis; variety; vine
Дата на публикуване: 2020-03-10
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