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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Complex evaluation of Bulgarian mulberry varieties (Morus spp. L.)
Zdravko Petkov
Резюме: The paper deals with the evaluation of twelve varieties from the National mulberry gene bank of populations, Bulgarian selection, namely No 3; No 24; No 26; No 59; No 106; P 7; P 9; P 17; P 19; Vratsa 1; Vratsa 18 and Veslets. Evaluation of varieties was done with the Subordinate function index (SFi), Subordinate еvaluation index (SEi) methods, and varieties were ranked according to Total cumulative index method. Used statistical methods allow finding the varieties with the highest productive values and ecological plasticity, which could be used in further selection programs and for feeding silkworms into practice. Vratsa 1, Vratsa 18 and Veslets varieties аre the most perspective for silkworm rearing into practice.
Ключови думи: Bulgarian varieties; complex evaluation; ecological plasticity; Morus spp.; mulberry
Дата на публикуване: 2019-08-21
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