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Tendencies in the yield and its components of the Bulgarian varieties of triticale, grown under contrasting conditions of the environment
Hristo Stoyanov, Valentin Baychev
Резюме: With the aim to determine the behavior and the tendencies in the yield and its components, 11 Bulgarian triticale cultivars were studied during three contrasting seasons. The investigated indices were date to heading, plant height, number of productive tillers, absolute and relative yield, 1000 kernel weight, test weight, weight of grains per spike and number of grains per spike. The results obtained clearly showed that according to the indices date to heading, plant height and 1000 kernel weight, the greater part of the investigated cultivars were close to the standard variety Rakita. With regard to the number of productive tillers, the new triticale cultivars exceeded significantly all investigated standard cultivars. At the same time, cultivars such as Atila, Bumerang, Doni 52 and Borislav had productivity considerably higher than the productivity of Rakita, the exceeding being as high as 10. The new triticale cultivars possess increased test weight, although this parameter was strongly influenced by the conditions of the environment. In spite of their high productivity, only cultivar Akord formed number of grains per spike and weight of grains per spike higher than the standard variety Rakita, while the rest of the cultivars were close to the standards AD-7291 and Vihren according to these indices. The presented data clearly emphasized the key role of the components number of grains per spike and number of productive tillers for the formation of the yield from triticale. Such tendencies allow for the possibility to assess such cultivars as Atila, Akord, Bumernag, Doni 52 and Borislav as highly productive and suitable for growing under variable environments.
Ключови думи: abiotic stress; productivity; triticale; yield components
Дата на публикуване: 2018-07-12
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