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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Influence of Fertilization over the Reproductive Potential of Aronia (Aronia melanocarpa L.)
Diyan Georgiev, Teofora Mihova, Georgi Popski, Maria Georgieva
Резюме: Study was conducted in the period 2013 – 2015 in the aronia plantation in RIMSA – Troyan. The influence of organic fertilizer ‚Tecamin Brix‘, bird droppings, manure and ammonium nitrate was studied over the reproductive indicators in aronia. They were brought in different fertilizer concentration. The positive effect of fertilization over the fruit size and yield is manifested the most in application of organic fertilizer ‚Texamin Brix‘ and bird droppings.
Ключови думи: aronia; bird dropping; fruit weight; manure; yield
Дата на публикуване: 2017-08-10
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