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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Testing of Promising Varieties of Sorghum in Terms of Northeastern Bulgaria and South Russia
Kalin Slanev, Aleksandar Volodin, Tsevat Kikindonov
Резюме: In a contract for scientific and technical cooperation between Agricultural Institute – Shumen and Stavropol Research Institute of Agriculture – Russia has conducted a comprehensive assessment of new and promising varieties and hybrids of Sorghum, Sudan grass and Sorghum × Sudan grass hybrids. Main feature determining the possibility of the use of varieties and hybrids in agriculture is the length of the growing season. Weather conditions in 2014 have a negative impact on the initial growth rate. There are differences between early ripeness, brooming stage to bloom. An assessment on the economic signs as valuable early ripeness, grain yield and green mass attack by diseases and others.
Ключови думи: hybrids; sorghum; Sudan grass
Дата на публикуване: 2017-08-10
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