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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Study on grazing ecotype of birdsfoot trefoil in terms of selection
Tatyana Bozhanska, Galina Naydenova, Yordanka Naydenova
Резюме: During the period of 2012 – 2014 in ESS in Pavlikeni, in a comparative feld trial, was made economic assessment of a local ecotype of birdsfoot trefoil with the aim to determine its potential for its direct usage as a grazing cultivar. The grazing ecotype was equal with Targovishte 1 cultivar according to the rate of growth and undergrowth, and according to the average yield of green and dry mass from the undergrowth. It is characterized by the even distribution of the annual yield by seasons, as it exceeded the standard cultivar in terms of the grazing productivity in late summer. Its values of crude protein content (19.5%) and the acid-detergent lignin content (9.5%) in the forage differed slightly from those of the standard variety (19.6% and 8.7%). The values of both genotypes in relation to the protein nutritional value (Protein Brute
Digestible (PBD), Digestible Protein Dependable on Nitrogen (PDIN) and Digestible Protein Dependable on Energy (PDIE) were also identical. The studied ecotype of birdsfoot trefoil was distinguished by a high content of fber components, and as a result there was a lower in vitro digestibility, both of the dry matter (in vitro Dry Matter Digestibility (IVDMD) = 61.3% at 66.8% for St), and the organic matter (in vitro Organic Matter Digestibility (IVOMD) = 60.5% at 65.7% for St).
Ключови думи: birdsfoot trefoil; forage quality; selection
Дата на публикуване: 2017-08-09
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