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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Monitoring of flying of plum moth (Grafolita funebrana Tr.) in the region of Troyan under different climate conditions
Georgi Popski, Severina Valeva, Anton Atanasov, Boryana Stefanova, Kalin Dragoyski
Резюме: The study was conducted during 2007 – 2014 in the region of Troyan, which is typical for the production of fruit-tree cultures with its high altitude at 400 m. The flying dynamics of plum moth was followed (Grafolita funebrana Tr). The monitoring was conducted in nontreated plum plantations with various cultivars. The anomalies and climate characteristics for the period of study and the phenology of flying of plum canker worm were reported. It was found that the influence over flying of plum canker worm, during the years with small rainfall amount, was characterized by a lack of sharply outlined peaks – which reflected the number of captured butterflies and the sharp boundaries among generations. It
was reported that the beginning of flying of plum moth occurred during April at effective temperature sum of 30 °С during years with characteristic droughts and a presence of very small flying during years characterized by greater than normal amounts of rainfalls. It was found that after prolonged rainfalls, during the time of appearance and flying of moth of the second generation, the activity of butterflies was influenced and decreased strongly also by the presence of great cloudiness of 9-11 wind force.
Ключови думи: dynamics of flying; pests; plum; plum moth
Дата на публикуване: 2017-08-09
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