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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Broccoli variety IZK Iskra
Galina Antonova, Krasimir Mihov, Galina Pevicharova
Резюме: IZK Iskra is the first Bulgarian broccoli variety developed at the Maritsa Vegetable Crops Research Institute, Plovdiv. Compared to the example variety Coronado F1 the new broccoli genotype was with shorter vegetation period of 70 days from planting to harvesting of the central flower heads. The plants of IZK Iskra formed central flower head with 0.420 kg weight and great number of lateral flower heads with 0.110 kg weight. The newly created variety was distinguished by its increased ascorbic acid content. Differences between the new broccoli genotype and the example variety Coronado F1 are in the following characters: plant height, intensity of colour and blistering of leaf blade, undulation and denotation of the leaf blade margin, number of lobes of the leaf and leaf petiole length, size, knobbling and firmness of the head, prominence of the lateral heads and time of harvest maturity. In economic aspect, a priority of the new variety is lower cost price as the rate of profitableness is identical to the example variety.
Ключови думи: broccoli; variety IZK Iskra
Дата на публикуване: 2017-07-26
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