[session_started] => 1734487965
Inheritance of berry size in vine seedlings from complex interspecies hybrid combinations
Miroslav Ivanov, Venelin Roychev
Резюме: The inheritance of berry size in vine seedlings from complex interspecies hybrid combinations was studied. It was found that the berry length and width from crosses with rootstock Kober 5BB were inherited in F1 generation with incomplete dominance of the variety bigger in size. Mainly the medium and low heritability and lack of heterosis effect did not suppose successful breeding to be carried out in F1 generation for these two traits. In hybrid combinations of varieties with improved disease resistance and table grapes varieties, these traits were inherited with positive and negative superdominance or incomplete dominance of one of the parental varieties. High heritability coefficients and positive heterosis effect in different hybrid combinations allowed successful breeding of elite hybrid forms.
Ключови думи: berry size; heterosis; inheritance; interspecies hybrid combinations; vine seedlings
Дата на публикуване: 2017-07-26
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