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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Economic impact of the implementation of three irrigation technologies for onion grown in Bulgaria
Vesela Petrova-Branicheva
Резюме: During the period 2014-2015 years, the fields’ experimental studies were carried out with the onion variety Shturtgardrizen, within the experimental field Chelopechene at the Institute of Soil Science, Agricultural Technology and Plant Protection ‘N. Pushkarov’. Different options of technologies for micro sprinkler irrigation systems, subsurface and surface drip irrigation have been discussed for onion growing in field outdoors conditions. An analysis is made of the results of irrigation regime and the obtained yield under optimum irrigation rates. On this base are measured and assessed installations for irrigation and are established the economic effects, through static and dynamic methods. The economic analysis shows that the greatest effect for onion growing on leached cinnamon forest soil has been obtained by the use of micro sprinkler equipment. The resulting yield of onion from this technology is 3000 kg/da, at a planting scheme 0,30/0,10 m.
Ключови думи: economic impact; irrigation technologies; onion
Дата на публикуване: 2017-07-25
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