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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Comparative technological characterization of clones of variety Dimyat
Ilian Simeonov, Venelin Roychev
Резюме: A comparative investigation of the technological characterization of clones and population of the cultivar Dimyat has been carried out. It has been found that the selected clones differ in the values of the indices of the mechanical and chemical analysis of cluster and berry during the separate years and they surpass the cultivar Dimyat in terms of average cluster weight. All clones possess large-sized clusters and identically high production capacity. No clone accumulates significantly more sugars than the control, and the acid contents in all variants is within the required standard for the production of table wines and quality white wines. Mathematically proven differences exist between clones 5/52 and 6/46 and the population of the cultivar Dimyat regarding the practically important ampelographic indices weight and sizes of cluster and berry, percentage of stems, berries, skins, mesocarp and sugar contents in grape. The grape and wine obtained from them will be characterized by better agrobiological and technological qualities.
Ключови думи: cultivar Dimyat; selection; vine
Дата на публикуване: 2017-07-06
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