[session_started] => 1739417210
Actual fertility of clones of variety Dimyat
Ilian Simeonov, Venelin Roychev
Резюме: A comparative investigation has been carried out of the actual fertility of vines in clones and population of the cultivar Dimyat. It has been found that the fertility indices by years vary significantly between the two plant groups. The fruiting shoots with one cluster and the fertility coefficient of shoots developed from sleeping buds, have greater values in Dimyat, while the shoot and fruiting shoot fertility coefficients possess greater values in the clones. In the commercially-significant indices – percentage of fruiting shoots with a various number of clusters; fertility coefficient of a shoot, fruiting shoot and from corner buds – mathematically proven differences are observed both between the clones, and between the clones and the cultivar Dimyat.
Ключови думи: cultivar Dimyat; fertility; selection; vine
Дата на публикуване: 2017-07-06
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