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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Annotated list of pests (Insecta) on stored products, reported in Bulgaria till 2012
Rumen Tomov, Katia Trencheva
Резюме: Annotated list of pest insects associated with stored plant and animal products in Bulgaria is presented. The list compiles data published during the period 1891–2012. The valid names of insects according to Fauna Europea data base, their synonyms used in Bulgarian literature, and bibliography of papers concerning their bio ecology and distribution in Bulgaria are presented. The total number of 149 insect species is reported as direct and indirect pests on stored products in Bulgaria. Most numerous are insects from order Coleoptera – 76.5%, followed by Lepidoptera 15.4%. Non-indigenous for Bulgaria are 80 species, from which 39 species have cryptogenic origin.
Ключови думи: insects; list; pests; stored products
Дата на публикуване: 2017-07-04
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