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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Combining ability for grain yield of middle early maize lines
Natalia Petrovska, Dochka Dimova
Резюме: In the partial system of the diallele crosses by Savtchenko 10 middle early maize lines whit different origins (Lancaster and Reid) are involved. The hybrids obtained from theme are tested in two years. Highest GCA from the studied lines have КВ 92, ХМ 4456 (Lancaster) and КС 00/260 (Reid). With highest SCA are the lines 118/96 В, ХМ 4541, ХМ 4456, ФМ 4549, ФХМ 4614 and КС 00/260. Since the analysis of the results, some recommendations for their use in definite breeding programs are established.
Ключови думи: combining ability; grain yield; maize lines
Дата на публикуване: 2017-07-04
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