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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Heterosis activities for yield and yields elements in maize hybrids in different groups of Ripeness
Valentina Valkova
Резюме: This current article shows the results gathered on the basis of the facts for the heterosis activities and the degrees of domination of the hybrids for grain yield and the yield’s elements. The investigation was carried in 2008–2010 years in the experimentally field in Maize Research Institute Kneja are included hybrids of different groups of ripeness – FAO 400-499; 500-599 and over 600. The experiments are brought out in five density of growing. There was established clearly expressed heterosis in all studied traits, besides the number of the row in the ear. Full dominance and over dominance of the genes was observed at the test yield’s element. The year of the study affects more on the heterosis and the degree of dominance than the density of growing.
Ключови думи: degrees of dominance; heterosis; maize hybrids
Дата на публикуване: 2017-07-04
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