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Heterosis events for ear high and number of above ground nodes of maize hybrids
Stefan Vulchinkov, Penka Vulchinkova
Резюме: Heterosis events of two traits connected with maize stalk biometry – ear height and number of above ground nodes, are investigated. 21 maize hybrids, including 7 close related ones and 10 inbred lines (their components) belonging to 600 FAO group are tested at 9 environments. A positive significant correlation between both traits was observed, but their heterosis events are different. For ear high the midparent heterosis (MPH) and the better parent heterosis (BPH) have positive values in all cases with overdominance inheritance. For the other trait positive values for both types of heterosis prevalent also, but at close related hybrids low, even negative values of BPH are observed. The inheritance of the above ground nodes is additive or with partial dominance. A previous investigation of the same hybrids pointed out similar heterosis events for grain yield. A preliminary conclusion was made, that polygenes control of grain yield has probably the same relation to the investigated trait – number of above ground nodes.
Ключови думи: heterosis related traits; maize hybrids
Дата на публикуване: 2017-07-04
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