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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Zahir: new high productivity malting barley variety
Margarita Gocheva, Dragomir Valchev, Toshka Popova, Nedelcho Mersinkov
Резюме: Zahir is a new high productivity malting barley variety developed by the method of intervariety hybridization at the Institute of Agriculture – Karnobat. The biological and agronomic characteristics of the variety were investigated at the Institute of Agriculture – Karnobat for several years and in the Executive Agency of Variety Testing, Field Inspection and Seed Control (EAVTFISC) trails in the period 2014-2015. At the ecology stations of EAVTFISC it presents as high productivity genotype. Average for 6 locations in Bulgaria grain yield of the new variety was significantly higher than the yield of check cultivars (Obzor, Emon, Kaskadyor 3) with about 7%. During the testing period the variety realized yield from 992.6 kg/da. The variety has high uniformity of grains – 91.9 %, and content of protein – 11.2 %. Zahir has good to very good field resistance to leaf diseases. The variety has good winter hardness and cold tolerance and has high resistance. Zahir variety was registered as original by the EAVTFISC during 2016 and approved for List A of Official variety register of the Republic of Bulgaria with Order № RD 12-7/27.05.2016 of the Minister of Agriculture and Food. Zahir possesses high production potential and adaptability.
Ключови думи: characterization; malting barley; new variety
Дата на публикуване: 2017-05-09
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