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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Effect of different modes of irrigation on some biometric indicators in soybean
Aleksandar Matev, Radost Kalaidjieva, Velika Kuneva
Резюме: The aim of the work is, by ANOVA method to analyze the impact of factors irrigation regime and conditions of the year on some biometric identifiers of soybean plant and their influence and interaction. A high degree of reliability and statistically significant is impact on the factors irrigation and year and their interaction of the following biometric indicators: number of internodes of one branch; number of beans in one internode (in central stem); number of beans at one internode (in nodes); number of internodes on the branches of a plant; number of pods per plant (overall). Statistically is not proven relationship between the factors and the following parameters: the height of the first follicle, number of branches per plant, number of grains in a bean (secondary) and number of internodes of the central stem.
Ключови думи: biometric indicators; irrigation; soybean
Дата на публикуване: 2017-08-03
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