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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Breeding of the new grain sorghum variety Maxibel
Tsvetan Kikindonov, Kalin Slanev
Резюме: Since 2002 in the Agricultural Institute – Shumen have been carried researches on a project for sorghum breeding. As a result a rich gene pool of fertile lines and perspective hybrids with different maturity, height and type of the panicles, grain colour, high productivity and combining ability has been created. In the present report are given the results of the productivity tests of the new grain sorghum variety Maxibel. The Maxibel variety is selected after individual selection of self polinated lines in F2 progeny of variety Bianco from Euralis Semences. The Maxibel is with average late maturity, mean height, has symmetrical elongated compact panicle with waith grain colour. The results of the comparative tests situate the Maxibel variety in the list of the mean late maturity varieties with high productive potential during more continuous vegetation. After three years ecological tests in the system of the EAVT the Maxired variety is certified by the Experts Commission and is included in the а National Varieties List.
Ключови думи: new variety; plant breeding; sorghum
Дата на публикуване: 2017-08-03
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