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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Effect of some herbicides and foliar spray fertilizers on grain quality of winter wheat
Angel Hristoskov, Shteliyana Kalinova, Maria Mangova
Резюме: Two-year field experiment was conducted with wheat variety Sadovo 1. Different combinations of herbicides and foliar spray fertilizers were applied at stage: end of tillering - start stem extension (B29 - B31 scale Bayer). Technological assessment of grain was made on the following indices: 1000 kernel weight; test weight; vitreousness of grain sedimentation value; content of wet and dry gluten; baking indexр softening of gluten; including fermentation value according to Pelshenke method. A sig¬nificant increasing of grain technological quality was found in comparison with untreated control in the variants with combined applying of Akurat 60 VG at dose 1 g/da, Foxtrot 69 EB at dose 100 ml/da, Impact 25 СК at dose 50 ml/da and different foliar spray fertilizers – Amalgerol, Vertex - H 34, Foliar extra, ect.
Ключови думи: foliar spray fertilizers; herbicides; quality of wheat; wheat
Дата на публикуване: 2017-01-25
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