[session_started] => 1739418373
Chemical characterization of pea in Bulgarian collection
Siyka Angelova, Maria Sabeva
Резюме: The pea collection contains plant genetic resources with different origin, level of breeding and botanical possessing, which gives opportunities for improvement of the breeding program in different directions. The characterization of 100 samples was done during the last 5 years. They give very good information about the plant material of peas conserved in the gene bank and represent an extract from the sustained collection. Main aims are searching of a relation between the chemical characteristics (crude protein, crude fibre, crude ash, tannins) and phenotype, productivity etc. of the accessions. The research of correlations between the characters doesn’t show expressive dependence at the accessions. Only a weak negative correlation between fibre and protein is observed. By substance of crude protein of the varieties there is no dependence between the morphologic characteristics of seeds, the mass of 100 seed, phenotype. Grouping of all accessions according to the most important biochemical characteristics give possibilities for searching a donors and creating new productive cultivars with high quality.
Ключови думи: characterization; collection; pea; protein; seeds
Дата на публикуване: 2017-01-25
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