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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Approaches and achievements in breeding of perennial grasses in Bulgaria (Review)
Aneliya Katovaorcid
Резюме: The issue of efficient forage production is gaining more and more economic importance and is directly related to the breeding of forage crops with high productivity and adaptability. The aim is to create new varieties of perennial grasses with high forage (hay, pasture and silage) and seed productivity, high forage quality, and/or for ornamental purposes, with high adaptive potential. During the period 1966 - 2024, through an ecologo-genetic approach and the application of classical and modern breeding methods, varieties of a wide range of grass fodder crops were created at the Institute of Forage Crops - Pleven, the only specialized breeding center for the country. A characterization of species and varieties of perennial grasses, for sown meadows and pastures and for decorative purposes, which are certified and entered in the list of varieties of Bulgaria, EU and OECD, including 8 varieties of 6 species: Cocksfoot Dabrava, Tall fescue Albena, Smooth brome Nika, the new varieties of perennial ryegrass - IFK Harmoniya, Tetrany and Tetramis, Crested wheatgrass Svezhina and Standard wheatgrass Morava. An flowcytometric analysis of the ploidy level, morphological description, biological requirements, phenological development and yield of forage and seeds, as well as forage quality, were performed on each variety. Original seeds of all varieties of perennial grasses of IFC - Pleven are in long-term storage in the National Genebank of Bulgaria in IPGR - Sadovo.
Ключови думи: breeding methods; criteria; perennial grasses; species; variety
Цитиране: Katova, A. (2025). Approaches and achievements in breeding of perennial grasses in Bulgaria (Review). Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science, 62(1) 69-93.
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Дата на публикуване: 2025-02-27
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