Dalena CLP Bulgarian Clearfield Plus hybrid sunflower with high adaptive potential
Nina Nenova

Резюме: In recent years, the areas grown with sunflowers have increased, and for this reason, proper crop rotations are not always observed, and there has been an attack of economically important diseases. In addition, the changing climatic conditions to drought and high temperatures during the vegetative period of sunflower necessitate the creation of adaptive hybrids sunflower to biotic and abiotic stress conditions suitable for all areas per country. Hybrid “DALENA CLP” is a Bulgarian Clearfield Plus hybrid sunflower with high adaptive potential, created in DZI - General Toshevo. It has been tested in different regions in Bulgaria in years with extreme drought conditions – 2019 and 2020. It was officially registered with a certificate from the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria. The hybrid is a medium early, linoleic type and resistant to downy mildew /race 731/ and the pathogen of Orobanche cumana /race G/, tolerant to the pathogens of Phoma and Phomopsis. It is resistant to lodging before harvest and the maximum yield from it is about 4000 kg/ha. The aim of this study is to present a detailed morphological, biological and economic characteristics of this adaptive Bulgarian Clearfield Plus hybrid sunflower “Dalena CLP”, with stable yield potential under limited dry-climatic conditions.
Ключови думи: Clearfield Plus hybrid sunflower; climate change; sunflower
Цитиране: Nenova, N. (2025). “Dalena CLP” – Bulgarian Clearfield Plus hybrid sunflower with high adaptive potential. Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science, 62(1) 51-56.
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| Дата на публикуване: 2025-02-27
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