Study of the productivity of selection lines of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) of the II type in the conditions of Northeastern Bulgaria
Stilyana Velikova, Dimityr Genchev
Резюме: The research was conducted in the period 2021-2023 at the Dobrudja Agricultural Institute - town. General Toshevo. Twenty stabilized, recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of common bean and the cultivar GTB Ustrem, used as a standard, were tested. The field experiment was laid out using the block method in three replication and a plot size of 3.48 m2. The purpose of the research is to establish the productive potential of some selection lines of ripe beans and to determine the most promising of them for their recommendation and recognition in IASAS and/or to be included in future selection programs. A prevailing influence of the conditions of the year on the studied indicators was found - plant height (cm), height of planting of first bean (cm), number of beans per plant, number of grains per bean, mass of seeds per plant (g), yield ( g/m2). Environmental conditions have the greatest influence on grain yield, which is one of the most important traits for selection. From the studied relationships between the yield and the elements that determine it, it is made clear that attention should be paid to indicators such as plant height and number of beans per plant, as they can be used as criteria in the selection program to increase productivity in common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). During the individual years of the period, the highest yields of all variants were discovered in 2021 with an average yield of 209.4g/m2, in conditions that include very favorable combination between temperatures and precipitation amounts, followed by 2022 with 137.6g/m2, and very low in the unfavorable year 2023, characterized by prolonged drought, with an average yield of only 94.4g/m2.The highest grain yield was obtained from lines 13-12-37 (176.1*g/m2) and 17 38-77 (169.6*g/m2). They exceed mathematically proven control and can be offered for testing as new varieties or used as parental components in future breeding programs. The candidate cultivars are grouped by cluster analysis, with lines 13-12-37 and 13-12-21 closest to the control occupying an intermediate position in the ranking.
Ключови думи: conditions of the year; mining elements; Phaseolus vulgaris; productivity; selection lines
Цитиране: Velikova, S., & Gеnchev, D. (2025). Study of the productivity of selection lines of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) of the II type in the conditions of Northeastern Bulgaria. Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science, 62(1) 24-36 (Bg).
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| Дата на публикуване: 2025-02-27
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