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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Evaluation of yield and quality of advanced durum wheat lines obtained by the distant hybridization method
Boryana Hadzhiivanova, Krasimira Tanevaorcid, Violeta Bozhanova, Rangel Dragov
Резюме: The genetic diversity that is characteristic of wild species, of the family Triticeae, can be a valuable source of genetic variation, related to the adaptability of the crop to abiotic and biotic stress, yield components and traits related to grain quality. It were included Six advanced durum wheat lines from the selection program of the Institute of Field Crops - Chirpan, as a result of interspecific and intergeneric hybridization (three crosses F10-12, one cross F11-13 , one cross BC2 F3-5 and one BC2 F2-4 generations). The standard variety Predel was used for comparison. All of genotypes were grown in three harvest years – 2020/2022 in a competition variety trial in four replications. The purpose of the study is to make an assessment of yield and traits related to the quality of the grain. It was used analysis of variance for statistical processing of the data. By the analysis of variance was found a proven influence of the genotype, the year of cultivation and the interaction between the two factors on the variation of almost all the studied traits. The influence of the genotype in the variation of the traits is significant: SDS-sedimentation value (97.34%), vitreousness (85.55%), yellow index b* (77.85%), protein content of grain (50.08%), grain yield (44.24%) and thousand kernel weight (36.50%). It was found a significant influence of the year in the variation of the plant height trait (59.74%). The highest yield (672.6 kg/da) on average for the three years of the study was found for line DV-8360. Strong gluten according to the SDS-sedimentation value was found for the standard variety Predel (43.0 cm3) and for line D-232 (35.3 cm3). The gliadin fraction γ-45 and LMW-2 type, that are associate with strong gluten were identified for line D-232
Ключови думи: analysis of variance; distant hybridization; durum wheat; gliadins; quality; yield
Цитиране: Hadzhiivanova, B., Taneva, K., Bozhanova, V., & Dragov, R. (2025). Evaluation of yield and quality of advanced durum wheat lines obtained by the distant hybridization method. Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science, 62(1) 3-16 (Bg).
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Дата на публикуване: 2025-02-27
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