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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Impact of supplemental irrigation and organic manure on growth and yield performance of rice variety BRRI dhan103 under terminal drought condition in Aman season
Md. Taufiqur Rahman, Md. Abu Hasan, Md. Mahfuzul Hasan, Nayan Chandra Howlader, Md. Rahat Sazzad Tusar
Резюме: BRRI dhan103 is a transplanting Aman (T. Aman) rice variety that demands sufficient organic manure and supplemental irrigation to ensure successful production. Seven treatments, viz., T1= rainfed control; T2= one supplemental irrigation at 80 days after transplanting (DAT); T3= two supplemental irrigations at 70 and 80 DAT; T4= additional 5 t ha-1 poultry compost under rainfed condition; T5= additional 10 t ha-1 poultry compost under rainfed condition; T6= additional 2.5 t ha-1 biochar under rainfed condition; and T7= additional 5 t ha-1 biochar under rainfed condition, were evaluated against BRRI dhan103 to assess the impact of supplemental irrigation and manuring under terminal drought conditions. It was revealed that supplemental irrigation and manuring significantly improved all growth parameters and yield attributes compared to the rainfed control. Notably, T5 treatment provided its greatest performance statistically in respect of SPAD value (36.13), root dry weight (12.43 g), number of tillers hill-1 (13.22), panicle length (28.87 cm), panicles hill-1 at harvest (9.13), total spikelet (194.53), spikelet panicle-1 (197.63), filled spikelet panicle-1 (197.63), thousand grain weight (33.78 g), grain weight panicle-1 (28.70 g), grain yield hill-1 (31.97 g), and above-ground biological yield (3043.35 g m-2). The highest tiller hill-1 at harvest (9.53) was achieved when an additional 10 t ha-1 of poultry compost was applied under rainfed conditions. This study suggested that additional 10 t ha-1 poultry compost under rainfed conditions performed best to enhance the growth and yield of BRRI dhan103.
Ключови думи: biochar; compost; rice; supplemental irrigation; yield
Цитиране: Rahman, M. T., Hasan, M. A., Hasan, M. M., Howlader, N. C., & Tusar, M. R. S. (2024). Impact of supplemental irrigation and organic manure on growth and yield performance of rice variety BRRI dhan103 under terminal drought condition in Aman season. Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science, 61(5) 21-31.
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Дата на публикуване: 2024-10-28
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