[session_started] => 1741313393
Evaluation of the diversity of pea forms (Pisum sativum L.) with a direction for green mass from the collection of I R G R- Sadovo
Mariya Sabeva
Резюме: The object of the study is 35 pea samples - winter type from the collection of the Institute of Plant Genetic Resources - Sadovo. The aim of the study is to determine the degree of genetic similarity and genetic distance of the samples with a direction for green mass stored in the national gene bank. The samples originate mainly from France and Bulgaria. For their grouping, a mathematical approach was used - cluster, correlation and factor analysis using the indicators - total nitrogen, crude fibres, crude ash, total sugars and tannins. A negative correlation was found between total nitrogen and crude fibres (r=- 0.857), total nitrogen and dry matter (r =- 0.824), tannins and dry matter (r =- 0.888). A strong positive correlation was observed between crude fibre and crude ash (r = 0.798), crude fibre and dry matter (r = 0.923) and crude ash and dry matter (r = 0.920). The grouping of winter pea forms allows to increase the objectivity of assessment and increases the possibilities of using the pea collection in different directions.
Ключови думи: chemical composition; cluster; correlation and factor analysis; green mass; pea (Pisum sativum L.)
Дата на публикуване: 2023-02-21
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