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Comparative Ampelographic Study of Chardonnay Vine Variety Clones
Zdravko Nakov, Nikolai Tsaikin, Venelin Roychev, Angel Ivanov
Резюме: A comparative ampelographic study of the introduced by the Research Institute of Viticulture and Enology (NIIViV) – Chisinau, Moldova Chardonnay 37/28 clone and the Bulgarian Chardonnay 6/48 as a control, has been carried out in the soil and climatic conditions of the micro-region of Pleven. The research was conducted at the Experimental Department of the Institute of Viticulture and Enology – Pleven during the period 2011 – 2013. It has been found that the phenophases “beginning of flowering” and “beginning of grape ripening” take place 3 – 4 days earlier in Chardonnay 37/28, but its grapes reach technological maturity almost simultaneously with those of Chardonnay 6/48. Chardonnay 6/48 is characterized by mathematically proven better actual fertility, more fruiting shoots with 3 clusters, and a relatively higher average yield per vine, compared to Chardonnay 37/28. Under the experimental conditions, Chardonnay 37/28 shows good productivity, intensive sugar accumulation and sufficient titratable acids in grapes, as a result of which it is suitable for obtaining quality white dry wines. This clone adapts very well to the soil and climatic parameters of the Pleven micro-region, and it can be distributed over larger areas, as well as studied in other habitat conditions.
Ключови думи: Chardonnay; clones 37/28 and 6/48; comparative biometric (dispersion) analysis; phenological, agrobiological and technological indicators
Дата на публикуване: 2022-10-27
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