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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Effect of some biofertilizers on main nutrients in peach leaves
Irina Staneva, Vanya Akova
Резюме: The experimental work was carried out in the period 2018-2019 in a fruit-bearing peach plantation at the Fruit-Growing Institute – Plovdiv. ‘Glohaven’ cv. grafted on the vegetative rootstock GF 677 was investigated. Increasing doses of three bio-products - Lumbreco, Agriful and Humustim have been tested. The aim of the experiment was to study the influence of bio-products on the main nutrients in the peach leaves. Fertilization with different levels of the bioproducts Lumbreco, Agrifull and Humustim successfully maintained the nutrient supply of the peach leaves. The dose of 1 L/da is recommended for Agriful. For Lumbreco foliar treatment in a dose of 1 L/da as well as combined application (soil (2 L/da) + foliar application (360 ml/da). For Humustim 240 ml/da. The products used can successfully replace the application of chemical fertilizers.
Ключови думи: bio-products fertilization; leaf analysis; peach
Дата на публикуване: 2022-06-22
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