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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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A new cotton variety Aida
Valentina Dimitrova
Резюме: The aim of this research was to study the productive potential and to evaluate the fiber quality characteristics of the new cotton Aida variety. The variety was studied in competitive variety trials conducted in 2014-2017 in the experimental field of the Field Crops Institute in town of Chirpan. In the system of the IASAS (Exclusive Agency for Variety Testing, Approbation and Seed Control) the Aida variety was tested in 2017-2018. It was approved as a new cotton variety in 2019 and was certified in 2020. It was obtained by remote hybridization and backcross technology. Aida variety showed high and stable productivity during the years of testing. According to the IASAS data, in the seed cotton yield of 2380 kg/ha, on average over two years, it exceeded the two standards - Chirpan- 539 and Avangard-264, respectively by 11.3% and 14.7%, the average standard - by 13.0%. It outperformed the standards in September harvest and in fiber (lint) yield. The Aida variety was distinguished by its high fiber quality, and in some fiber properties it was superior to both standards or equalized with Avangard-264 variety - standard for fiber quality. Compared to the standard varieties, the Aida variety had a better fiber consistency (SCI) Index, greater Upper Half Mean Length (UHML), better uniformity in fiber length and a better spectroscopy with a reflection of the RD difference. The content of short fibers was very low. The results obtained identified the Aida variety as a very good combination of earliness, productivity and fiber quality. This outlined it as a very valuable for the cotton production and for the cotton breeding programs.
Ключови думи: cotton; fiber properties; G. hirsutum L.; productivity; variety
Дата на публикуване: 2022-03-01
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