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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Influence of duration of storage and pre-sowing electromagnetic treatment on the sowing qualities of cotton seeds I. Germination energy and laboratory germination
Minka Koleva, Milena Radevska
Резюме: Effect of pre-sowing electromagnetic treatments on seeds of 5 Bulgarian cotton varieties - Chirpan-539, Helius, Trakia, Natalia and Nelina on germination energy and laboratory germination of seeds stored one and two years before treatment was studied. It was found that for all tested varieties, in both seed storage periods, and in almost all variants of pre-sowing electromagnetic treatment, germination energy and laboratory germination were higher than the corresponding controls for each variety and storage period. In one- and two-year storage, the highest percentage of germination energy and laboratory germination was reported for the Helius variety and variant of treatment 1[U = (8… 5) kV and τ = (15… 35) s]. Laboratory germination increased by 19.5% compared to the relevant control, and germination energy increased by 24%.
Ключови думи: cotton seeds; germination; germination energy; pre-sowing electromagnetic treatment
Дата на публикуване: 2021-12-08
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