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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Efficacy of some insecticides for the control of Eurytoma schreineri Schr. (Hymenoptera, Eurytomidae) in plum orchards.
Veselin Arnaudov
Резюме: The effectiveness of different groups of insecticides were studied for the control of the plum seed wasp Eurytoma schreineri Schr. The study was conducted in a 10-year-old plum orchard in the area of Novi Pazar, in 2019. The experiments were conducted with plum trees, variety Stanley. Experiments were made with a randomized block set in three replicates (5 trees per replicate) for each variant. Two strategies were tested. The first - with one treatment applied at the initial appearance of the plum seed wasp, and the second - with two treatments, the first - at the initial appearance in adults, and the second - applied 12 days after the first. To determine the effectiveness of the tested insecticides at harvest, an average of 100 fruits / tree or 500 fruits per variant were examined. All tested insecticides show high efficacy towards E. schreineri which depends of the type of active substance and the frequency of treatments. Insecticides from the group of neonicotinoids demonstrate the highest efficiency, followed by those from organophosphorus and pyrethroids. The two-insecticide treatment strategy provides better and more reliable protection against this pest than a single treatment.
Ключови думи: efficacy; Eurytoma schreineri; insecticides; plum seed wasp; Prunus domestica
Дата на публикуване: 2021-02-25
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