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Influence of green pruning operations on the volatile composition and aromatic profile of white wines from Muscat кaylashki variety
Dimitar Dimitrov, Yordanka Belberova
Резюме: Gas chromatographic study for the influence of green pruning operations on the volatile and aromatic composition of white wines (Muscat kaylashki variety, harvests 2016 and 2017) was carried out. Harvest 2017 was subjected to additional suckering. Nine higher alcohols, twelve esters, five terpenes and one aldehyde were identified. Increased content of higher alcohols has been reported for all wines of the 2017 harvest compared with those form 2016. 2-methyl-1-butanol and 3-methyl-1-butanol dominated the higher alcohols fraction. It was found that June topping shoot + suckering and defoliation + suckering (harvest 2017), generated more esters in wine compared to the same variants but without suckering (harvest 2016). The terpene alcohols - α-terpineol, β-citronellol, linalool oxide, nerol and geraniol were identified. In the variant of July topping shoot + suckering (harvest 2017) a significantly higher total amounts of terpenes (1.04 were generated compared to all other variants. Acetaldehyde was accumulating in a balanced way in the wines of the harvest 2017.
Ключови думи: green pruning operations; higher alcohols; suckering, esters; terpenes; white wine
Дата на публикуване: 2020-10-22
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