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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Comparative agrobiological and economical analysis of grape yield and quality indicators of new introduced table grapevines varieties for Kyustendil region
Simeon Krumov, Iliyan Simeonov, Daniela Dimitrova
Резюме: It was performed comparative analysis of the agrobiological and economic potential of introduced for Kyustendil region seed (Misket plevenski, Dunav, Velika and Diana) and seedless (Kishimis moldovski, Kondarev 6 and Russalka 3) table grapevine cultivars. A comparative option is the early-grown cultivar-standard Super early Bolgar. The study was conducted during the period 2012-2015 in a experimental vine plantation of the Institute of Agriculture - Kyustendil. The results of the complex agrobiological evaluation made the cultivars Velika, Diana and Dunav the most promising for cultivation in the region of Kyustendil, and Kondarev 6, Misket plevenski and Kishimis moldovski as good. In economic terms, the best results, according to the conditions of the experiment, were realized of the Velika seed variety, where the cost-effectiveness was the highest – 146,1% and the unit cost was the lowest – 0,49 BGN/kg. The high level of net income and the rate of profitability determine the existence of significant economic potential and in the case of the seed varieties Misket plevenski and Diana and the seedless cultivar Kishimis moldovski.
Ключови думи: economic evaluation; quality; table grapevine cultivars; yield
Дата на публикуване: 2020-06-30
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