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Selection evaluation of quantitative traits in seedlings from a hybrid combination between a seeded and seedless vine cultivar (VITIS VINIFERA L.)
Venelin Roychev
Резюме: A methodology has been applied for a complex selection evaluation by quantitative traits of seedlings from F1 progeny of a hybrid combination between a seeded and a seedless vine cultivar, which allows their classification by individual scale scores. A linear correlation exists between the phenotype characteristics of the studied seedlings and the environment. Seven elite hybrid forms have been selected possessing the optimal combination of the researched traits, the phenotype and genotype-environment effects. The obtained information on the selection value of the genotype of the separate plants makes it possible to determine suitable donors of commercially valuable ampelographic traits in sex hybridization, as well as to outline certain biological correlations in regard to the effect of additive genes interacting with the environment.
Ключови думи: model methodology; quantitative traits; selection; selection evaluation; vine seedlings
Дата на публикуване: 2020-03-10
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