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Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   ISSN 0568-465X
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Preservation of park architecture - water elements in Borisova garden
Todor Mihailov, Veselin Rangelov
Резюме: Historic gardens and parks which aremonuments of cultureare an essential part of the preservation of the cultural heritage. In defining their values, together with the variability of the species and the compositional organization of the lanes and spaces, the elements of the park architecture must take equal part. However, they remain insufficiently studied and discussed, because they stay away from the scientific interests of both architects and landscape architects. It is the discovery, the study of the building history, the documentation and the assessment of the cultural value of the elements of the park architecture, preserved in the Bulgarian parks, subject of the authors’ interest in his scientific studies. The article explore the changes in the appearance of the preserved objects related to the water – artificial lakes, fountains and baths on the territory of Borisova garden in Sofia and in particular its “representative” northern part.
Ключови думи: Borisova garden; conservation; historic gardens and parks; park architecture; water facilities and elements
Дата на публикуване: 2019-10-30
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